Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday Travel Day

If your checking in expecting to find an exciting update, this will be a disappointing post.

We left Franconia Mennonite Church this morning around 6:20. Our trip was uneventful (which is a good thing!). We had a lot of time to drive, talk, sleep, eat and drive some more. Ask Dale about the enthusiastic response from a southern belle waving and throwing kisses as she drove by.

Our group is smaller than anticipated. we are travelling in two vans and one car. Here is our group.

Phil and Judy Alderfer, Randy Landis, Floyd Kratz, Arlan Kratz, Ernie White, Dale and Maggie Wood, Glenn Bergy, Mike Tomasso, Duane Miller, Scott Heebner, Chris Bensik, Bill Gotwalls and Randy Martin. Scott Eldredge and Rick Kratz will join us Tuesday evening. We are saving all the dirty jobs for them.

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